Health News


  • Sweets and sour news for kids

    Certain Candies Are as Acidic as Battery Acid on Kids’ Teeth Peering into kids’ mouths every day, pediatric dentists have noticed an alarmingly widespread problem of late. Something is eating away at the chewing surfaces of children’s back teeth. Turns out, its worms – gummy worms, that is – along with assorted other sweet-and-sour candies,…

  • Kristi Yamaguchi speaks out on influenza

    Should you get a flu vaccine? Less than half of the U.S. population actually gets the annual flu vaccine. While vaccinations are recommended in late summer or early fall, it’s still beneficial even in the middle of winter. During many flu seasons, influenza activity doesn’t peak until winter or early spring. In fact, virus activity…

  • Making choices that lower your risk

    How African-Americans Can Avoid High Blood Pressure Hypertension (or high blood pressure) is a heavy weight that the African-American community has been destined to cope with. While no one is immune from high blood pressure, it is a proven fact that the African-American population has a 40 percent higher rate over any other ethnic group…


  • Healthcare Buzz: Oral healthcare and your child — back to basics

    Healthcare Buzz: Oral healthcare and your child — back to basics

    FLOSSING is an important part of any oral care routine, and experts advise you do it at least once a day. However, many parents wonder when should their children should start flossing their teeth? The answer is much younger than you’d likely guess. The recommendation is that you should start flossing your child’s teeth as…

  • Healthy Cook: A fresh look at meals for Easter time

    Healthy Cook: A fresh look at meals for Easter time

    EASTER IS A TIME of rejoicing for Christians all over the world. It’s a time for rebirth and starting over. It’s spring for everyone, no matter what religion. And, it’s a time to take a fresh look at what we eat. Lent, traditionally 40 days of culinary sacrifice, leads to Easter. When I was a…

  • Health Facts: Tired … thinning hair . . . tearful? It may be your thyroid gland

    THE THYROID GLAND is a butterfly shaped organ that sits in the lower front of the neck. It’s job is to make thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the bloodstream and taken to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, energy levels, and affect your appetite, body warmth, sleep, and mood. Symptoms may…

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