Health News


  • T1D Team

    T1D Team

    Meet the Pair Leading the Charge for Type 1 Diabetes Awareness & Support  in Polk County by RYAN MILEJCZAK photos by TYLER DIGIOVINE Diabetes is a disease you’re likely already familiar with to some degree. It’s a chronic condition that affects how the body turns food into energy. Type 2 diabetes — the most common…

  • Addition of Endocrinologist Takes Patient Care to the Next Level

    Addition of Endocrinologist Takes Patient Care to the Next Level

    by TERESA SCHIFFER Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care Central Florida Health Care is happy to welcome the newest member of the team, board certified endocrinologist Dr. Jessica Castellanos-Diaz-Diaz. As an endocrinologist, Castellanos-Diaz will be doing a lot of work with patients who are affected by diabetes or thyroid conditions. Castellanos-Diaz is excited to step…

  • Serving the Underserved

    Serving the Underserved

    Diabetes Center of Excellence to Provide Multidisciplinary Approach by K. MICHELE TRICE With more than 15 percent of Polk County residents having been diagnosed with diabetes, there is a distinct need for quality health care that focuses on the illness. Central Florida Health Care is working to address that need by creating a Diabetes Center…


  • Publisher’s Note: Update on and enrolling for health insurance

    Publisher’s Note: Update on and enrolling for health insurance

    As I’m writing this in late October, is still suffering from significant malfunctions, thus delaying the enrollment process for the healthcare plans under the Affordable Care Act. The website is designated as the hub for the enrollment period for Florida and 36 other states. However, these serious issues on the website have made it…

  • Ask a Nurse: Getting educated in wellness

    Ask a Nurse: Getting educated in wellness

    As someone who considers herself a perpetual student, I’m a big proponent of the old adage “never stop learning.” Because this is one of my mottos that I try to live by, I will be one of the presenters at a free event: A Night for Wellness Education. Other presenters will include Dr. Dale Wickstrom-Hill…

  • Editor’s Dose: Simple reminders from great women

    Editor’s Dose: Simple reminders from great women

    As I read Chris Hazelwood’s Q&A for the first time (article on page 14), I was inspired by her bravery and strength during a very challenging time in her life. She would be the first to say that she did not make it through her fight against breast cancer alone, but it also reminded me…

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