Health News


  • Different waters mean different dangers

    Know the potential hazards and how to use caution Summer has arrived once again. It’s time for barbecues, vacations, and fun in the sun. One of the more popular ways to enjoy the season is by relaxing in and around pools, lakes, or the ocean. However, many hazards lurk within these waters, especially for children.…

  • Mommy makeover

    Regaining your shape after baby After the excitement of birthing a baby, women face an inevitable reality: the post partum belly. It takes time for the body to readjust, but there are ways to hasten weight loss and regain your figure more quickly. The good news is some of it comes naturally. Instead of lifting…

  • Exercise on the brain

    How to keep your mind in shape You’ve heard the expression “use it or lose it.” The advice is especially pertinent for adults in their 40s and beyond. That’s because our brains begin to shrink at that age, points out Dr. Herminio Cuervo, a Lakeland neurologist and Polk County Medical Association member. “It’s just like…


  • Pre-Diabetes and the Type 2 Diabetes Struggle is Real— You Don’t Have to Manage It Alone

    Pre-Diabetes and the Type 2 Diabetes Struggle is Real— You Don’t Have to Manage It Alone

    By DAWN C. HILL, DNP, ARNP, CDE Central Florida Health Care IF YOU ARE wondering whether or not you should be screened for Type 2 diabetes, then ask yourself these questions: • Am I aged 40 years or older? • Am I overweight? • Do I have high blood pressure or cholesterol? • Do I have…

  • Fighting the Flu

    Fighting the Flu

    The flu season is here again and with it concerns for protecting not only ourselves but our loved ones. The most susceptible to the flu are children under 6 months of age, those with chronic illnesses, pregnant women and the elderly. The flu virus can mainly be spread through ‘droplet’ infection that is in the…

  • Oral Hygiene Routines

    Oral Hygiene Routines

    Yahira Ferrer, Dental Assistant October is National Dental Hygiene Month, an effort to celebrate the work dental hygienists do and to help raise awareness on the importance of good oral health. This year, the awareness month is focusing on four routines that can help people maintain healthy smiles: brush, floss, rinse, and chew. The ADA…

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