Health News


  • Fighting fair

    Arguments can help resolve conflict It’s only natural for couples to occasionally butt heads when facing issues involving finances, home care, chores, children, and the in-laws. What matters is how you approach fighting. If you approach the argument logically, most likely your partner will too, says Riann Smith, former deputy editor of She recommends…

  • Walk the talk of your workout resolution

    Walking and Talking Can Encourage Exercise Routine Instead of sitting down to coffee and donuts, or tea and banana bread, imagine chatting with your friends as you take a brisk walk in your local park. If you can walk and talk, gulping breaths of air between your words, you’re probably getting healthy aerobic exercise with…

  • Not just a matter of the heart

      How to Avoid a Date Night with Heart Disease We’ve all heard the stories. The tightening pain starts in the chest and then moves to the arm. You become short of breath and start to sweat. Sometimes the pain shoots up the jaw, sometimes there isn’t a sign, and sometimes, there have been signs…


  • There’s more than meets the (red) eye

    There’s more than meets the (red) eye

    by Anisa Patail, O.D. February is here, and Valentine’s Day is around the corner! We see red hearts everywhere as a sign for the holiday, but let’s talk about what red eyes are a sign for. There are several conditions that can cause this very common finding. Depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing, and the…

  • Treatment Options for Deep Venous Thrombosis

    Treatment Options for Deep Venous Thrombosis

    For a long time, treatment of deep venous thrombosis centered on anticoagulation alone. Depending on various factors — including provoked or unprovoked, location and whether new or recurrent episode, chances of causing a fatal pulmonary embolism or previous episodes of pulmonary embolism — the treating physician could decide the duration of the treatment from three…

  • Dry Eye Disease Not So Cut and Dry

    Dry Eye Disease Not So Cut and Dry

    by Julia King, O.D. Dry eye disease, or dry eye syndrome, is a condition that affects millions of people.  Unfortunately, it often goes undiagnosed as many people don’t realize that their symptoms are caused by dry eye. Dry eye syndrome occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears, or the tears that are produced…

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