Health News


  • Different waters mean different dangers

    Know the potential hazards and how to use caution Summer has arrived once again. It’s time for barbecues, vacations, and fun in the sun. One of the more popular ways to enjoy the season is by relaxing in and around pools, lakes, or the ocean. However, many hazards lurk within these waters, especially for children.…

  • Mommy makeover

    Regaining your shape after baby After the excitement of birthing a baby, women face an inevitable reality: the post partum belly. It takes time for the body to readjust, but there are ways to hasten weight loss and regain your figure more quickly. The good news is some of it comes naturally. Instead of lifting…

  • Exercise on the brain

    How to keep your mind in shape You’ve heard the expression “use it or lose it.” The advice is especially pertinent for adults in their 40s and beyond. That’s because our brains begin to shrink at that age, points out Dr. Herminio Cuervo, a Lakeland neurologist and Polk County Medical Association member. “It’s just like…


  • Pediatric Partners: Water safety reminders for summer

    Pediatric Partners: Water safety reminders for summer

    WITH SUMMER almost here, families will be spending more time at the pool or beach. While wading through water provides relief from the scorching sun, it also poses dangers for your children. Here’s what you need to know about water safety.

  • Medical Advice: The battle against HPV

    Medical Advice: The battle against HPV

    A CHILDREN’S CARTOON from the 1980s used to end each broadcast with the phrase, “Knowing is half the battle.” Of course, the other half of the battle is usually acting on the knowledge. In the world of healthcare, information abounds. It is important for patients to know their health status and attend regular checkups.

  • Healthy Smiles: What does an oral exam include?

    Healthy Smiles: What does an oral exam include?

    MANY OF US don’t think twice about the oral exam. Some people just assume that the dentist is only looking for cavities. Well, there’s a lot more to the oral exam than that!

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