Health News


  • Make HIV Testing, Treatment a Healthcare Priority

    Make HIV Testing, Treatment a Healthcare Priority

    by MICHELE TRICE Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care  World AIDS Awareness Day is December 1, and people around the globe will focus attention on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) testing, treatment, and life with HIV.  According to APRN Linda Gellatly, Central Florida Health Care’s infectious disease provider, there are just…

  • Pop Quiz!

    Pop Quiz!

    Don’t Fall for the Skinfluencer Hype November is National Healthy Skin Month, and it’s a time when the American Academy of Dermatology wants you to learn about healthy skincare habits and pay attention to your skin. Board-certified dermatologists would also love for people to stop following a lot of the skincare advice and trends they…

  • Pop Quiz! Save Your Sole

    Pop Quiz! Save Your Sole

    Don’t Let Diabetes Jeopardize Your Foot Health There are many health and wellness concerns for those with diabetes, foot health is one of those that is especially important. That’s because diabetes can cause nerve damage that decreases the chance of feeling pain, heat, and cold. If a person can’t feel their feet, injuries or even…


  • Understanding Cataract Surgery

    Understanding Cataract Surgery

    Cataracts are the most treatable form of blindness worldwide. Millions of cataract surgeries are performed each year, restoring patients to functional visual status.   Cataract surgery was once the most common surgical procedure performed in the United States until about 6-11 years ago when intraocular anti-VEGF injections were developed to treat macular degeneration. This has…

  • Treatments That Help Lower Cholesterol

    Treatments That Help Lower Cholesterol

    Last month I discussed the role of lipids in atherosclerosis. This month, I’ll talk about treatment. For patients at high risk or those who have had a cardiovascular event (prior heart attack, stroke, stent, bypass, etc.), pharmacological treatment may be needed. Cholesterol production and accumulation in the body involves three processes. First, intake from food…

  • The Role of Lipids in Atherosclerosis

    The Role of Lipids in Atherosclerosis

    Last time we spoke of the various factors that play a part in plaque buildup and rupture causing a heart attack/stroke. We discussed the role of inflammation. This time, we will discuss the role of lipids. We know these are important and these numbers can be impacted by various treatments. So the question to be…

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