Health News
Love the skin you’re in: Protect it from cancer
Sun-Safe Measures and Early Detection Make a Difference Jean Tayntor is sometimes called the Cookie Lady because of the cookies she passes around while volunteering at the Lakeland Regional Cancer Center. But 72-year-old Tayntor serves more than tasty treats— she offers hope. Tayntor is a cancer survivor. Diagnosed 10 years ago with melanoma, the most…
Aural rehabilitation for improved volume and clarity
The Next Step After the Hearing Device Volume and clarity. These are the reasons that most people purchase hearing devices. Whether you purchased a hearing aid, cochlear implant, or a Personal Sound Amplification Product (PSAP), you are looking for your hearing device to provide increased sound volume and deliver improved clarity. Hearing devices are great…
Healing Polk’s communities
New Research Points to Health Disparities Among Certain Residents How a county thrives is based on how well the citizens within the county are thriving, and Polk County has taken a big step in improving its communities’ health by determining the health needs of its citizens. Thanks to a committee of devoted health experts, the…
7 Ways to Save Money on Your Glaucoma Drops
Glaucoma is a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve of the eye. It is the cable that carries the information from the eye to the brain. Any damage to this optic nerve due to high pressures can damage it, resulting in lower vision or vision loss. Therefore, it is essential to treat glaucoma…
Stay strong with healthy hips
Expert care can get you there. We all hope to be able to walk, run and dance through life with healthy, natural joints. But when your hips become arthritic and painful, it’s not easy to keep moving like you used to. The good news is that hip replacement has come a long way, with advanced…
Colon Cancer: Knowledge is Power
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. If caught early, colorectal cancer is 90 percent curable. If precancerous polyps are found during screening, the disease is often altogether preventable. New guidelines: Get screened at 45. Men and women are affected equally by colorectal cancer. For patients of average risk with no family history, it is…