Health News


  • Putting out fires about diabetes

    Putting out fires about diabetes

    Debunking common myths that put people at more risk Nine-year-old Bryce Duncan was drinking lots of liquids, complaining of an upset stomach, and losing a lot of weight. The bathing suit his parents bought for him just four months earlier was falling off him. “He would say he needed to take a nap and his…

  • Planning ahead for holiday meals

    Planning ahead for holiday meals

    Ways to enjoy the food without adding to the waistline The average Thanksgiving meal packs a 2,000-3,000 calorie punch, but you needn’t let it knock you off balance when it comes to fitness. Plan ahead to minimize the hit. Limiting the amount of food on your table and plate is a good place to start.…

  • It’s never too late to be a world champion

    It’s never too late to be a world champion

    Cornerstone Hospice tells the story of one patient’s special petition and life achievement “…the visual sharpness, the dexterity and skills learned through years of shooting at a rapidly flying target… these skills all come down to one’s individual abilities and performance and I walked away from each of my early shoots feeling like ‘I can…


  • Enjoy the Summer Wisely

    Enjoy the Summer Wisely

    In Central Florida, we are blessed with sunny days for about two-thirds of the year. With so much sunshine pouring down on us, it’s important to remember that too much of anything – including sunshine – can be bad for your health.    The biggest danger of too much sun exposure comes from the sun’s…

  • Lower Back Pain and Sciatica: Where to Start

    Lower Back Pain and Sciatica: Where to Start

    Lower back pain and sciatica can be a life-changing event.  There can be a lot of reasons for back pain but some popular ones that we hear about are things like stenosis, degenerative disc disease, alignment issues or good old-fashioned back strain. It makes sense that these injuries happen for different reasons.    Arthritis in your…

  • Understanding Hernias

    Understanding Hernias

    June is Hernia Awareness Month and to help educate you on what a hernia is, how they can be avoided and how they’re treated, we spoke with board-certified general surgeon Shiva Seetahal, MD. Dr. Seetahal specializes in procedures that treat gastrointestinal conditions, hernias, and endocrine disorders, and provides care for the body, mind, and spirit to support his…

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