Health News


  • Planning ahead for holiday meals

    Planning ahead for holiday meals

    Ways to enjoy the food without adding to the waistline The average Thanksgiving meal packs a 2,000-3,000 calorie punch, but you needn’t let it knock you off balance when it comes to fitness. Plan ahead to minimize the hit. Limiting the amount of food on your table and plate is a good place to start.…

  • It’s never too late to be a world champion

    It’s never too late to be a world champion

    Cornerstone Hospice tells the story of one patient’s special petition and life achievement “…the visual sharpness, the dexterity and skills learned through years of shooting at a rapidly flying target… these skills all come down to one’s individual abilities and performance and I walked away from each of my early shoots feeling like ‘I can…

  • How to recognize childhood obesity

    How to recognize childhood obesity

    Addressing Weight Problems Early to Offset Future Problems It’s not easy to admit your child is overweight. You want to believe pudge is baby fat the child will outgrow. Or maybe you’ve come to believe extra pounds make him or her strong and healthy. But ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. And, in…


  • Healthy Cook: A better for you Easter with egg-citing meals

      For many families, a favorite spring pastime is coloring and decorating hard-cooked eggs to celebrate Easter. This fun activity often is followed by hiding the eggs outdoors and then encouraging children to find them. However, eggs aren’t just a colorful way to fill an Easter basket. In fact, if you take a hard-boiled approach…

  • Signs and Symptoms: Telltale signs of an alcohol problem

      The argument escalates into a full-blown fight . . . when you or a loved one has been drinking. You or they seem to be losing touch at work, at home, or with friends. Relationships are strained. How do you know when drinking too much is really too much? It’s easy to become lulled…

  • Editor’s Dose: Getting your feet wet

    Editor’s Dose: Getting your feet wet

      When it comes to the Internet pool, it’s not always easy to just jump in and swim, especially when you’re interested in a topic like health, which is as broad as any ocean and as deep as any sea. At Central Florida Health News however, we’ve got the tools to help you get your…

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