Health News


  • A hospital in a garden

    Nemours Opening its Child-Friendly Doors This Fall Nemours Children’s Hospital will soon swing open its child-friendly doors in Orlando, providing a facility for Central Florida with a mission to “bring best-in-class children’s health care, prevention and research.” The new location is the second Nemours Children’s Hospital funded under the terms of American industrialist, financier and…

  • Fun and fit vacation ideas for the whole family

    Try these recreation suggestions for staying active while getting respite The many health benefits of regular physical activity include the reduced risk of coronary heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and other diseases. This helps to prevent high healthcare costs and improves the quality of life for all ages. Combining physical fitness and vacationing is actually very…

  • Pancreatic cancer: The next frontier

    Developing treatments and therapies to fight this disease Pancreatic cancer research has proven the advantage of combination therapies, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy when given after surgical resection.  Unfortunately, there have been limited advances for more than 20 years. Even though pancreatic cancer is an uncommon cancer, it has one of the highest mortality rates.…


  • Children and obesity

    Taking Steps to Reverse this Growing Epidemic If most parents knew there was an epidemic that could affect the health of their child, these moms and dads would do everything in their power to keep their children safe. Parents ensure their children are vaccinated against diseases, often keep them home at the first signs of…

  • Editor’s Dose: A little pill of insight on nutrition news you can use

    Editor’s Dose: A little pill of insight on nutrition news you can use

      They don’t say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” for no reason. This edition of Central Florida Health News is focusing on food because what you put in is what you get out. It’s so important for your health and the well-being of your family to eat a balanced diet of protein,…

  • Publisher’s Note: From the pyramid to the plate

    Publisher’s Note: From the pyramid to the plate

      As of June 2, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled the federal government’s new food icon: My Plate. Gone is the food pyramid from 1995 and even its more modern descendant, “My Pyramid,” which displayed the concepts of variety, moderation and proportion in vertical color coding (rather…

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