Health News


  • Pop Quiz: Test your knowledge of a breast cancer self-exam

    Pop Quiz: Test your knowledge of a breast cancer self-exam

     Be Confident that You Can Properly Perform a Self-Exam for Breast Cancer with this Short Pop Quiz The statistics show the proof! Performing regular self-exams on your breasts can lead to early diagnosis of breast cancer in women, according to research from John Hopkins Medical Center. So, what is part of a successful self-examination and what…

  • Curtailing diabetes

    Curtailing diabetes

    Essential Tips for Better Disease Management Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. It is a major cause of heart disease and stroke as well as the leading cause of kidney failure, non-traumatic lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults. In Polk County, the incidence of diabetes is…

  • Warning signs of bullying

    Warning signs of bullying

    Putting a Stop to It Before It Causes the Most Damage When children complain about a headache or stomachache, parents may seek immediate relief with over-the-counter painkillers or antacids. But when the symptoms recur, over and over again, a trip to the family doctor may reveal a sinister reason: Bullying. “They don’t want to necessarily…


  • What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

    What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

    Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) is among the most common conditions we see in our patients at Eye Specialists of Mid Florida. The American Academy of Ophthalmology estimates that approximately 5 million Americans are affected by dry eyes. Prevalence increases with age, and women tend to be more susceptible, likely due to hormonal changes throughout life.…

  • Evidence-Based Strategies for Achieving Effective Results in Chronic Pain Treatment:

    Evidence-Based Strategies for Achieving Effective Results in Chronic Pain Treatment:

    Chronic pain syndrome involves both the body and the mind, resulting in brain chemistry changes that affect not only the physical, but also mental and emotional well-being of the patient.  Advances in neuroimaging, neurophysiology and evidence based medical literature are helping us better understand the multifaceted and comprehensive treatment approach necessary to achieve long-term success.…

  • Virtual Care for Cardiac Patients

    Virtual Care for Cardiac Patients

    The new coronavirus sweeping the world has changed life as we know it. While there is a lot that we don’t know about the virus, we do know that people with heart and other conditions are more likely to get seriously ill from it.  At the same time, all of us are concerned about patients getting…

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