Health News


  • Putting out fires about diabetes

    Putting out fires about diabetes

    Debunking common myths that put people at more risk Nine-year-old Bryce Duncan was drinking lots of liquids, complaining of an upset stomach, and losing a lot of weight. The bathing suit his parents bought for him just four months earlier was falling off him. “He would say he needed to take a nap and his…

  • Planning ahead for holiday meals

    Planning ahead for holiday meals

    Ways to enjoy the food without adding to the waistline The average Thanksgiving meal packs a 2,000-3,000 calorie punch, but you needn’t let it knock you off balance when it comes to fitness. Plan ahead to minimize the hit. Limiting the amount of food on your table and plate is a good place to start.…

  • It’s never too late to be a world champion

    It’s never too late to be a world champion

    Cornerstone Hospice tells the story of one patient’s special petition and life achievement “…the visual sharpness, the dexterity and skills learned through years of shooting at a rapidly flying target… these skills all come down to one’s individual abilities and performance and I walked away from each of my early shoots feeling like ‘I can…


  • Hindsight Is 20/20, so Prioritize Eye Safety Now

    Hindsight Is 20/20, so Prioritize Eye Safety Now

    by TERRANCE HAFNER, O.D.  The eyes are one of the most important organs in our body, allowing us to see and experience the world around us. It is crucial to prioritize eye safety to prevent any potential injuries or long-term damage. In this article, we will explore various safety measures and practices that can help…

  • Aortic Dissection: Rare and Potentially Deadly 

    Aortic Dissection: Rare and Potentially Deadly 

    Aortic dissection is a tear in the inner layer of the aorta, the main blood vessel branching off from the heart.  An acute aortic dissection is a medical emergency and presents with excruciating chest or upper back pain that radiates to the neck or back. Other symptoms include sudden loss of consciousness and shortness of…

  • Vision Myths, Debunked!

    Vision Myths, Debunked!

    by ANISA PATAIL, O.D. Whether it’s an old wives’ tale or something a friend mentioned in conversation, you may have heard some things about your eyes that made you wonder if they are true.  I’m here to put your questions to rest!  Here are the myths I hear the most:  1) Eating carrots will improve…

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