Health News


  • New year, New you!

    New year, New you!

    How Polk County is Tackling Obesity and Residents are Making Healthier Lifestyle Choices Fifty-one year-old Ann Good topped 200 pounds last May. She lacked energy and was short of breath. Concerned about a family history of heart disease and diabetes, she decided to act. Today Good is 50 pounds lighter and breathing easier, in more…

  • Pop Quiz: Could it be premature menopause?

    Pop Quiz: Could it be premature menopause?

    Is it just the after-effects of the holiday rush getting to you, or are you encountering possible symptoms of premature menopause? It’s definitely not easy to be a woman, especially as you age.  Yet, could the unusual hot flashes, mood swings and feminine “discomfort” you are feeling be the precursor for premature menopause?  Find out…

  • Protecting your private information

    Protecting your private information

    The catch behind a ‘free’ pharmacy discount card If you have a mailbox, chances are you’ve received a Pharmacy Discount Card in the mail. The offer sounds great: up to 75 percent off your medications, no paperwork, it’s accepted all over, and it never expires. Don’t forget the kicker—it costs absolutely nothing. Hopefully by now…


  • Family Health: Flu shots for seniors

    Family Health: Flu shots for seniors

    HE FLU is nothing to sneeze at. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 200,000 people will be hospitalized this year with the influenza virus, and it has been estimated that 50 to 70 percent of those hospitalized are people age 65 and older.

  • Word of Mouth: Your dentist is key to early cancer detection

    Word of Mouth: Your dentist is key to early cancer detection

    IT SEEMS LIKE you hear about many different kinds of cancers these days, but one that isn’t being talked about enough is oral cancer. Cancer in the mouth and throat are diagnosed in nearly 50,000 Americans a year, and statistics show that only 57 percent of those diagnosed still will be living in five years.

  • Healthy Skin: Not forsaking the most common cancer

    Healthy Skin: Not forsaking the most common cancer

    CAN YOU NAME the most common form of cancer? For your health (and information!), the answer is, by far, skin cancer. The American Cancer Society maintains that of the main types of skin cancer, 3.5 million basal and squamous cells skin cancers will be diagnosed and over 73,000 cases of the more deadly melanoma will…

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