Health News
Pop Quiz: Could it be premature menopause?
Is it just the after-effects of the holiday rush getting to you, or are you encountering possible symptoms of premature menopause? It’s definitely not easy to be a woman, especially as you age. Yet, could the unusual hot flashes, mood swings and feminine “discomfort” you are feeling be the precursor for premature menopause? Find out…
Protecting your private information
The catch behind a ‘free’ pharmacy discount card If you have a mailbox, chances are you’ve received a Pharmacy Discount Card in the mail. The offer sounds great: up to 75 percent off your medications, no paperwork, it’s accepted all over, and it never expires. Don’t forget the kicker—it costs absolutely nothing. Hopefully by now…
John Rodda on keeping it in perspective
Pancreatic cancer survivor stays positive John Rodda used to put in some 12-hour workdays, but he’s learned to slow down and savor every day. A survivor of pancreatic cancer, which usually claims the lives of its victims, Rodda is one of the fortunate few. Pancreatic cancer is among the deadliest of cancers, in part because…
Itchy Skin? It Could Be Psoriasis or Eczema
Experiencing a skin condition can be a little unnerving, especially if you’re not sure what it is. Psoriasis and eczema are two common skin conditions that can even be seen in children. While these diseases may present in similar ways, they’re actually quite different and have different triggers and causes. Eczema This inflammatory skin…
Is It Melanoma? Learn the Warning Signs
Melanoma is a dangerous type of skin cancer that comes from cells known as melanocytes. While it’s less common than basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma, two types of skin cancer that form in other types of skin cells, it is more dangerous. Melanoma can quickly spread to other organs if not treated at…
A Watery Dry Eye
A Paradox Gritty, sandy, scratchy… watery? Can all those words be used to describe dry eyes? In short, yes! Dry Eye Syndrome is a mystery for patients because the symptoms can be variable! Paradoxical Dry Eye is what eye doctors call Dry Eye Syndrome in patients whose main symptom is constant tearing. So, grab your…