Health News


  • Solutions for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Solutions for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    An Ailment that’s Not Just for Computer Users Computers are frequently blamed for carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful disorder involving a pinched nerve in the wrist. But assembly workers are three times more likely than data-entry personnel to suffer from it, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The disorder is…

  • Seven work-related issues that may affect your health

    Seven work-related issues that may affect your health

    Disease saps our energy. Our productivity slips, we miss work or school, and our healthcare expenses rise. We may blame our work, or work environment, for the illness. But that may only be part of the equation. “Is it the chicken or the egg?” asks Dr. Ulyee Choe, Polk County Health Department director and a…

  • Trends and observations in child health

    Trends and observations in child health

    A Look at An Emerging Frontier in Healthcare and Other Relevant Issues The Academy of Pediatrics has designated the month of October as Child Health Month. The Academy strongly feels that newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults up to the age of 21 years in the United States should have access to comprehensive healthcare.…


  • Hospice Help: Safe as a patient in your own home

    Hospice Help: Safe as a patient in your own home

    ALTHOUGH WE USUALLY associate the month of March with the first bloom of flowers, falling in love and the beginning of spring, there is another annual celebration that occurs. March happens to be known as National Patient Safety Awareness Month, which means that as healthcare providers, we want to make sure that we raise awareness…

  • Healthy Smiles: Why is it so important to have a hygienist clean your teeth?

    Healthy Smiles: Why is it so important to have a hygienist clean your teeth?

    MANY PEOPLE often ask us why it is so important to have a hygienist clean your teeth at least every six months. Here are some answers that often help my patients understand the reasoning behind this healthy practice:

  • Pediatric Health: The decision to vaccinate

    Pediatric Health: The decision to vaccinate

    THE RECENT CASES of measles at Disneyland have sparked a nationwide conversation about the decision to vaccinate and its impact on the health of our country’s children.

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