Health News


  • Caring for your mental health

    Caring for your mental health

    How to stay sane and make the most of your genetic heritage When a couple has been married 50 years, their lives are so intertwined they may be able to finish one another’s sentences. When one of them dies, the loss can be devastating. Normal grief can turn into depression—with life-threatening consequences.

  • Pop Quiz: How to alleviate mobility issues

    Pop Quiz: How to alleviate mobility issues

    Test your knowledge of mobility precautions to help keep your senior loved one active and safe As we age, our ability to move changes as well, going from one extreme to the other.  However, we realize how precious our mobility is when seeing an older relative dealing with difficulties in movement.  Be part of the…

  • Long-term health: Considering your BMI

    Long-term health: Considering your BMI

    The importance of discussing your Body Mass Index with your physician Since 2003, Polk Vision has been bringing together community partners to work toward Polk County’s collective vision.  Going a step further, several Polk Vision members are working towards reducing the obesity rate in our communities with our Building a Healthier Polk Initiative.  Of course,…


  • Learn How to Spot, Treat Rosacea

    Learn How to Spot, Treat Rosacea

    Rosacea is a fairly common dermatological condition that can affect anyone of any age. It is a chronic condition with no known cure, but advances in medical technology have made it possible to treat and control the symptoms. You can recognize rosacea primarily by the presence of a facial redness that resembles a sunburn or…

  • Herniated Disks in the Lower Back

    Herniated Disks in the Lower Back

    This is the last of our three-part back pain series. So far, we have talked about sciatica pain and pelvic and tailbone pain. We saved what is probably the most debilitating lower back pain of all for last — the herniated disk. This injury usually requires medical care, X-rays, MRIs, time off from work, pain…

  • July is UV Safety Month

    July is UV Safety Month

    When we think of summer, images of beaches, theme parks, and outdoor sports and activities come to mind. While getting out of the house and doing things outside is generally considered healthy, there are risks involved, one of which is exposure to the dreaded UV light.   Ultraviolet (UV) light refers to the region of…

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