Health News
Caring for your mental health
How to stay sane and make the most of your genetic heritage When a couple has been married 50 years, their lives are so intertwined they may be able to finish one another’s sentences. When one of them dies, the loss can be devastating. Normal grief can turn into depression—with life-threatening consequences.
Pop Quiz: How to alleviate mobility issues
Test your knowledge of mobility precautions to help keep your senior loved one active and safe As we age, our ability to move changes as well, going from one extreme to the other. However, we realize how precious our mobility is when seeing an older relative dealing with difficulties in movement. Be part of the…
Long-term health: Considering your BMI
The importance of discussing your Body Mass Index with your physician Since 2003, Polk Vision has been bringing together community partners to work toward Polk County’s collective vision. Going a step further, several Polk Vision members are working towards reducing the obesity rate in our communities with our Building a Healthier Polk Initiative. Of course,…
Operative Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease
We’ve talked about what Peripheral Arterial Disease is in previous columns. Now, let’s look at some possible operative treatment options for PAD. When medical management alone has failed to improve symptoms, the possible treatment options include the following: Endovascular treatment with balloon angioplasty: In this procedure, a catheter is threaded through a blood vessel to…
Breast Cancer Surpasses Lung Cancer as Most Common
According to new information released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), breast cancer has now overtaken lung cancer as the world’s most commonly diagnosed cancer, accounting for 12% of all new annual cancer cases worldwide. It’s also now the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. In 2021, it’s estimated that over…
What Is Peripheral Arterial Disease?
We’ve talked about what Peripheral Arterial Disease is in previous columns. Now, let’s look at some possible operative treatment options for PAD. When medical management alone has failed to improve symptoms, the possible treatment options include the following: 1.) Endovascular treatment with balloon angioplasty: In this procedure, a catheter is threaded through a blood vessel…