Health News


  • Q&A on the most lethal form of dementia

    Q&A on the most lethal form of dementia

    Dr. Gordon J. Rafool shares the symptoms and treatment options of Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in America. In Polk, 11.8 percent of Medicare beneficiaries were treated for Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia in 2013, according to Healthy Tampa Bay. We interviewed Dr. Gordon J. Rafool, a geriatrician…

  • Pop Quiz: Establishing a solid oral care foundation

    Pop Quiz: Establishing a solid oral care foundation

    Will your child have a future Filled with healthy smiles? Teeth add to your smile, allow you to enjoy delicious foods, and rip apart that plastic wrap off your new DVD.  However, as a parent, you might be wondering whether you’re setting up proper oral hygiene habits for your child, or if the little tike…

  • To smile or not to smile

    To smile or not to smile

    Dr. Karen Teston and other local experts on oral hygiene and your overall health Some folks are afraid of pain.  Some know they haven’t done a good job of taking care of their teeth, and don’t want to be lectured.  Still others lack cash.  Whatever the reason, many avoid the dentist until an emergency arises.…


  • The Heart of the Matter: Heart disease’s ‘partner in crime’

    The Heart of the Matter: Heart disease’s ‘partner in crime’

    PERIPHERAL ARTERY DISEASE, or PAD, affects as many as 12 million adults and is closely related to heart disease. Unfortunately, many people with PAD do not even know they have it. Worse yet, untreated PAD puts patients at a higher risk for heart attacks, strokes and death.

  • Family Health: Hormone pellet implantation therapy for women

    Family Health: Hormone pellet implantation therapy for women

    WOMEN WHO ARE going through menopause or are post-menopausal often turn to hormone replacement therapy as a way to improve libido, regulate mood, and improve bone density, as well as treat the other symptoms associated with decreased estrogen production. While synthetic hormones are often used, pellet implantation therapy is an effective alternative.

  • Medical Advice: It IS worse than a dog’s bark — Preventing animal bite wounds

    Medical Advice: It IS worse than a dog’s bark — Preventing animal bite wounds

    DOGS OFTEN ARE referred to as man’s best friend. Most are known to be loyal, loving, and friendly. Though these pets can bring smiles to many faces, it is also important to protect yourself from the potential consequence of dog ownership — dog bites. Though most dogs don’t intend to be harmful, they are still…

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