Health News


  • Pop Quiz: How to alleviate mobility issues

    Pop Quiz: How to alleviate mobility issues

    Test your knowledge of mobility precautions to help keep your senior loved one active and safe As we age, our ability to move changes as well, going from one extreme to the other.  However, we realize how precious our mobility is when seeing an older relative dealing with difficulties in movement.  Be part of the…

  • Long-term health: Considering your BMI

    Long-term health: Considering your BMI

    The importance of discussing your Body Mass Index with your physician Since 2003, Polk Vision has been bringing together community partners to work toward Polk County’s collective vision.  Going a step further, several Polk Vision members are working towards reducing the obesity rate in our communities with our Building a Healthier Polk Initiative.  Of course,…

  • Aging gracefully

    Aging gracefully

    What will your health look like in 40 years? Medical science has made inroads against major diseases that snuff short our lives.  But by the time we reach 45, disease beats out accidents as the leading cause of death. The National Vital Statistics System shows cancer is the leading cause of death for 45 to…


  • Body, mind & spirit

    Body, mind & spirit

      Taking Care of the Caregiver: Managing Stress that can Lead to Health Issues Caregivers or patient advocates usually spend many hours in doctor’s offices, hospitals or clinics. But beset by stress for a loved one, they may go from crisis to crisis without stopping to consider their own health. “They’re not there to just…

  • Healthy Cook: Made with love

    Healthy Cook: Made with love

     Classic ‘go-to’ nutrition for the sick “I don’t feel good. I don’t want t-h-a-a-t. Don’t we have something e-l-s-e?” “Wid a cod in de node I can’t taste anyding, anyway.” “My tummy feels funny.” We were told to feed a cold and starve a fever. Or is it starve a cold and feed a fever?…

  • A note to the parents

      This edition of Central Florida Health News focuses on various back-to-school topics that will help keep your kids safe and healthy as classes are back in session. As a parent, keeping my children healthy is important to me. It’s no secret that all nurturing parents want the best for their children, and so we…

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