Health News


  • Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III: Are they Affordable?

    Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III: Are they Affordable?

    In my last two columns (part 1 | part 2), we debunked some common myths about the practicality and effectiveness of dental implants. Now let’s talk affordability. Nearly 70 percent of adults have lost a tooth, and the solutions are pretty straightforward: dental implants, bridges, or dentures. For most, dental implants are the best option,…

  • Meet the father of Family Fun and Fitness at the Fountain

    Meet the father of Family Fun and Fitness at the Fountain

    Nat West: A man with plans for a better tomorrow A statue of a little boy reading sits in Winter Haven’s Central Park, a testimony to a man dedicated to improving the city’s quality of life: Nat West.  At 69, the former vice president of Winter Haven Hospital (WHH) is retired, but still active in…

  • What you should know about lesser-known cancers

    What you should know about lesser-known cancers

    Understanding the signs and symptoms for males of all ages Although breast cancer is usually a women’s disease, men get it too. A bone cancer, Ewing sarcoma,usually peaks in teens during a growth spurt, but men can get it too. Like all cancers, the more rare forms of the disease are best caught early to…


  • Heartburn and the Holidays

    Heartburn and the Holidays

    The holiday season is upon us and for many, it is a time of indulgence as well as celebration. At such times, heartburn and acid reflux can become more of a problem for folks who suffer from these chronically, or even for those who do not. Heartburn is a symptom caused by stomach acid irritating…

  • Oral Hygiene Tips for the Cooler Months

    Oral Hygiene Tips for the Cooler Months

    When it’s cold outside, exposed skin isn’t the only part of your body that can suffer from a drier climate. Your mouth and oral hygiene can suffer as well, and it is important to remain proactive in keeping your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy during the colder months. Here are a few common issues that are…

  • Learn About LASIK and Other Refractive Procedures

    Learn About LASIK and Other Refractive Procedures

    Refractive surgery is designed to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism to effectively reduce dependency on eyeglasses and contacts. The most popular refractive procedure is LASIK, which stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. It involves shaping the cornea using a laser. Other refractive procedures include photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and refractive lens exchange (RLE). Those…

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