Health News
Pop Quiz: What’s your Medicare IQ?
A Test that Will Help You Get Smarter About Your Coverage For youngsters, autumn means going back to school. For seniors and those who qualify, fall signals that it’s Medicare enrollment and renewal time. The Medicare Fall Open Enrollment Period is specially geared towards choosing Medicare Advantage Plans and Prescription Drug Plans, and it lasts…
Approaching health care with dignity, concern, and compassion
How the Central Florida Physician’s Alliance Serves Patients Spending more time in the waiting room than with the doctor… not having questions fully answered… finding no help with medical insurance… these are just a few of the patient complaints that plague healthcare, and many of us have likely experienced similarly frustrating interactions at the doctor’s…
Bringing hunger awareness to the table
The staggering facts on food insecurity among our fellow neighbors September and Hunger Awareness Month is especially important in Polk County, where food scarcity plagues nearly 17.9 percent of the population.
7 Ways to Save Money on Your Glaucoma Drops
Glaucoma is a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve of the eye. It is the cable that carries the information from the eye to the brain. Any damage to this optic nerve due to high pressures can damage it, resulting in lower vision or vision loss. Therefore, it is essential to treat glaucoma…
Stay strong with healthy hips
Expert care can get you there. We all hope to be able to walk, run and dance through life with healthy, natural joints. But when your hips become arthritic and painful, it’s not easy to keep moving like you used to. The good news is that hip replacement has come a long way, with advanced…
Colon Cancer: Knowledge is Power
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. If caught early, colorectal cancer is 90 percent curable. If precancerous polyps are found during screening, the disease is often altogether preventable. New guidelines: Get screened at 45. Men and women are affected equally by colorectal cancer. For patients of average risk with no family history, it is…