Health News


  • Getting motivated to move

    Getting motivated to move

    Local ways to have fun in the sun and get fit Polk County area residents like to run and bike for exercise, but there are plenty of other opportunities to get fit.“I run, bike or swim depending on life’s circumstances, but ideally all three,” shares Dr. Richard Cardosi, a gynecologic oncologist with Watson Clinic and…

  • Just say NO to lazy days of summer

    Just say NO to lazy days of summer

    The benefits of keeping kids active and fit while school is out Although they’re called the “Lazy Days of Summer,” the best summer days for children are filled with physically engaging activities that are challenging and fun.  Summer days are for most children less structured and therefore most are looking for something engaging to do. …

  • Pop Quiz: Are you setting realistic fitness goals?

    Pop Quiz: Are you setting realistic fitness goals?

    Nine questions to help you get on your way to success Diets, exercise, gym memberships… getting fit is a goal that many people share, yet few achieve. Obesity is a major problem in this country, and trying to get fit and healthy is a worthy ambition. However, many people fail.  One problem is that many…


  • Medical Advice: Awareness is key to stopping upward trend of STDs

    Medical Advice: Awareness is key to stopping upward trend of STDs

    Every year in April, we observe STD Awareness Month.  This is an opportunity for individuals, doctors, and communities to address ways to prevent some of the nearly 20 million sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that occur in the United States each year.  Half of all new infections occur among people between the ages of 15 to…

  • Ask a Nurse: Dental plaque & arterial plaque

    Ask a Nurse: Dental plaque & arterial plaque

    Have you ever wondered what the dentist scrapes off of your teeth when you go in for your annual cleaning? Several studies over the past few years have found some surprising results. In 2010, Cornell University and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden collected samples from the mouth, gut, and arteries of 15 heart disease patients.…

  • Publisher’s Note: More options coming for Florida residents seeking health and dental coverage

    Publisher’s Note: More options coming for Florida residents seeking health and dental coverage

    You may or may not have heard already that there is an alternative option for discounted health coverage outside of the plans offered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Four companies intend to offer 15 to 20 discounted plans, which will include health and dental coverage options. Once the website is launched, residents should be…

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