Health News


  • College Wellness 101

    College Wellness 101

    Making better choices for campus life now and the career ahead College can be an exciting time as most students are starting adulthood, but it’s also a time where many start out on the wrong foot.  We’ve all heard of the “Freshman 15,” the weight gain that is common during freshman year, but it’s just…

  • Tips for exercising while on the mend

    Tips for exercising while on the mend

    Q&A with Jim Goodwin on how you can safely work out with an Injury When recovering from an injury, it’s tempting to lay off your fitness routine. That’s not always a good idea, however. Central Florida Health News talked with Jim Goodwin, director of Rehabilitation Services at Bartow Regional Medical Center, about the best way…

  • Preventing PAM: A rare, but lethal infection

    Preventing PAM: A rare, but lethal infection

    Summer season is officially here. It is a great time to enjoy cookouts, playing sports, or participating in water-related activities. The summer season also brings a number of things that we need to be mindful of in order to be safe, such as hurricane season, mosquito season, and the less known amoeba season. Naegleria fowleri…


  • The secret to age reversal may be hiding in our blood

    Could the fountain of youth be flowing through the veins of our youth?  Dr. Amy Wagers and Dr. Richard Lee suspect that it is.

  • Editor’s Dose: A thank you note to the teachers

    Editor’s Dose: A thank you note to the teachers

    This school year, our twins have started first grade and our four-year-old has started pre-K. Before day one, I have to admit, I was a nervous wreck (and I thought the first day of kindergarten was bad)… I was warned that it doesn’t get easier. As a mother, you experience so many emotions on the…

  • Medical Advice: The four layers of drowning prevention

    Medical Advice: The four layers of drowning prevention

    One of the many benefits of living in Florida is the beautiful weather nearly year round. It is common for Florida residents to go to the beach, swim in the pool, and participate in recreational water activities well into the fall and even some winter months. Swimming is a great way to get exercise and…

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