Health News


  • Medical Advice: How to stop a fall before it happens

    Medical Advice: How to stop a fall before it happens

    It was reported earlier this year by the Centers for Disease and Prevention that the life expectancy for people in the United States is at an all-time high of 78 years and 9 ½ months. Women born in 2012 are now expected to live more than 81 years and men nearly 76 ½ years. It…

  • Pop Quiz: Is your home fall-proof?

    Pop Quiz: Is your home fall-proof?

    Falling is the most common cause of household injuries. It is especially dangerous for older Americans, as a fall can be fatal or have serious long-term affects like physical impairment, loss of independence, and costly medical bills. Since six out of every 10 falls happen at home, take our quiz to test your IQ on…

  • What poses a greater threat to your health than Ebola?

    What poses a greater threat to your health than Ebola?

    The chances of catching the West African-born virus versus the threat of the flu and pneumonia Fears abound, but Americans have very little to worry about when it comes to contracting Ebola. While Ebola is serous and often fatal, outbreaks of the infectious disease are primarily in West Africa. “The risk to the general public…


  • Healthy Cook: Keep calm and cook on

    Healthy Cook: Keep calm and cook on

    There is too much going on . . . the holidays to cook for . . . Grandma and the bratty cousins to buy for . . . the new puppy will probably knock the tree over (if the cat doesn’t climb it first) . . . Take a deep breath, go relax in a…

  • PCMA Letter: Working for your health

    PCMA Letter: Working for your health

    The Polk County Medical Association (PCMA), its members and affiliates, are constantly working for the betterment of health in the community. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates once said, “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” At the PCMA, we take the opportunity to heal pretty seriously, which…

  • Healthy Cook: Healthy work lunch ideas that won’t break the bank

    Healthy Cook: Healthy work lunch ideas that won’t break the bank

    Get out the old Number 2 pencil and give the lead a lick. It’s time to figure how much lunch costs. And it does add up. Say you buy a sandwich for $4, an iced tea is a couple of bucks, a bag of chips sets you back a dollar. You’re at $7. Without the…

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