Health News


  • Heart disease warnings for women

    Heart disease warnings for women

    | Don’t believe you’re not at risk; do believe you can improve your odds | WOMEN HAVE A MEASURE of built-in protection against heart disease — as long as their ovaries are producing estrogen. Although estrogen may delay the onset of heart disease until the sixties or seventies, women’s risk eventually is the same as…

  • Pop Quiz: Are you feeding your feelings?

    Pop Quiz: Are you feeding your feelings?

    | Stop the snacking and learn to recognize when it’s emotional or physical hunger | EMOTIONAL HUNGER is an issue that many of us deal with, much to the chagrin of our waistlines! It’s especially prevalent during the holidays, as both stress and food are available in large helpings. However, we all have to eat,…

  • Chat and Chew: The end of dieting and the beginning of a healthier year

    Chat and Chew: The end of dieting and the beginning of a healthier year

    “I GIVE UP ON DIETS — they don’t work …” It’s a familiar refrain in America. Dr. Joel Fuhrman in his new book, The End of Dieting, explains, “If you eat American food, you will inevitably develop the diseases common in America, will become overweight, and you will eventually develop high blood pressure and high…


  • “There’s a fly in my soup!”

    “There’s a fly in my soup!”

    “There’s a fly in my soup!” No… wait, that’s not a fly. It’s a floater. What are floaters? And why do we get them?    Floaters are a symptom of the natural aging of the vitreous gel in the eye. Our eyeballs are filled with gel, and as we grow older, the gel becomes more liquid.…

  • The Connection Between Lifestyle, Vascular Disease

    The Connection Between Lifestyle, Vascular Disease

    I cannot really believe that the holidays are upon us already. This year has been a unique one with another surge of Covid, and its usual mix of pain and pleasure. I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize the role of lifestyle in the management of vascular disease, which can lend a sense…

  • Diabetes — the Leading Cause of Blindness

    Diabetes — the Leading Cause of Blindness

    October may be National Diabetes Month, but for me as an eye doctor, every month is diabetes month. Complications from diabetes are the leading cause of blindness in adults in the United States. For my patients who are diabetic, I am always on the lookout for bleeding inside the eye as well as internal swelling,…

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