Health News
Top Docs Feature: Q&A with Delanie and Gordon Watson
Patients talk with CFHN about their healthcare provider, Dr. Japinder Singh “MY HUSBAND was very, very sick when I met him,” says Delaine Watson. Gordon had all manner of problems with his spleen and gallbladder, hernias — even throat cancer. A Vietnam veteran, he’d also been exposed to Agent Orange.
POP QUIZ … Sun exposure: What you don’t know CAN hurt you
A little skin protection knowledge now could save your life later LIVING IN THE SUNSHINE STATE, we’ve all heard about the dangers of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. However, it doesn’t seem as if we’ve learned enough, because the effects of sun exposure — like skin cancer — are posing as much danger to residents…
Take it from a pharmacist who knows!
Seven things you should always ask your local pharmacy 1. Are there any lower-cost alternatives to this prescription? Your pharmacist and doctor can always help you come up with the most affordable option for the medications you need.
Editor’s Dose: Four things to help you reduce anxiety
BETWEEN WORK AND FAMILY, I think you’ll agree when I say it’s easy to feel the stress. When to-do lists are growing faster than you can cross off the items, and the midnight oil is being burned so much there is almost no oil left, it’s easy to let the pressure and anxiety get to…
Medical Advice: The keys to unlocking a healthy mouth
FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH MONTH and a great time to remind individuals about the importance of good dental health and hygiene. It’s easy to take our teeth for granted; however, good oral hygiene contributes to our overall health, including speech and nutrition. Dental care remains a top health concern in Polk County.
Publisher’s Note: The busy person’s baby steps along the path to better heart health
WE’VE ALL HEARD about the seven things you can do to keep healthy and prevent heart disease. (If you haven’t already, then don’t worry, because you’re about to.) They are listed as follows: Eat a heart-healthy diet, be active every day, avoid tobacco use, keep a healthy weight, keep your blood pressure healthy, keep your…