Health News
Medical Advice: Your breast cancer fast facts and why raising awareness is so important
FAR TOO MANY families know the worry, fear, and anguish when a friend, family member or loved one receives a cancer diagnosis. Some people reading this article may have been diagnosed with cancer themselves. Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. This is why taking a month to…
Ask a Physician Who Knows! — Understanding your medical records
1. What is a medical record? Every time you see a medical health provider, a record is kept of what transpired during the visit. These records are kept by physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare providers. The record contains your identifying information, medical history, medication and prescription lists, vitals, and results of testing, as…
Healthy Cook: No more procrastination with easy food prep and meal ideas
IF WE MUST have a national slogan when it comes to cooking, many of us should choose “Procrastination for the Nation.” I’m too busy. I don’t have time to fix a healthy (insert name of meal or snack). I’ll buy something good for lunch.
Floaters in Your Vision
Common visual symptoms of floaters present themselves in my office on a daily basis and are very common with aging. Let’s talk more about floaters. Usually, the patient will comment about seeing little dots, lines, “worms” or “cells” in one or both eyes. When asked, patients will report seeing these whenever the lights are bright. …
Fall Treats Your Teeth Will Enjoy, Too
Now that the kids are back in school, autumn is just around the corner! Fall is a great time for tasty treats. Popcorn balls, caramel apples, and pumpkin spice everything – it’s enough to make your taste buds tingle. Although these goodies might go down easy, they aren’t always easy on your teeth. Sticky sweets…
Protect Your Eyes
While aging is a fact of life we cannot escape, there are certain measures that can be taken to ensure the best possible vision as you age. The following lifestyle modifications can help delay or prevent certain eye diseases. Regular Eye Examinations One of the most important things you can do is schedule yearly eye…