Health News


  • More than dieting and exercise: How Maryemma made a lifestyle change

    More than dieting and exercise: How Maryemma made a lifestyle change

    MAKING LIFESTYLE CHANGES that result in a healthier weight is never easy to do. Many who are overweight or obese will only decide to do something about it once they have a health scare or develop one of the numerous associated health problems. Such was the case for Maryemma Bachelder, the director of marketing for…

  • Common dieting pitfalls along the path to healthy weight loss

    Common dieting pitfalls along the path to healthy weight loss

    ASK A PHYSICIAN WHO KNOWS! WEIGHT LOSS IS NEVER an easy prospect, but oftentimes it’s made even harder by our own foibles. There are many “dieting” missteps when it comes to healthy weight loss, and each and every one can throw a wrench in even the best intentions.

  • Pop quiz on thyroid health and weight

    Pop quiz on thyroid health and weight

    Test your knowledge and understanding of the relationship between your thyroid and weight IT’S NO SECRET that our country has a problem with weight and obesity. According to the statistics, approximately two-thirds of all adult Americans are overweight or obese. While those in the medical profession will tell you that the majority of those in…


  • The Facts About Whitening Your Teeth at Home

    The Facts About Whitening Your Teeth at Home

    by GERALD V. CERDAN, DMD If the tint of your teeth has you hesitating to show off your beautiful smile, you might be looking for solutions.  And, in your search for solutions, you may have come across a myriad of products in the grocery store. The creators and marketers of these products would like you…

  • Our Commitment to Providing Care for Migrant Patients and the Local Community

    Our Commitment to Providing Care for Migrant Patients and the Local Community

    by KIMBER VASQUEZ, MD With our deep roots in the Central Florida community and with the diverse representation of people groups who live and work here, we feel we have a unique position to provide health services to our migrant populace, as well as everyone in our community. Adequate healthcare is a key component in…

  • Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

    Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

    Did you know over 2 million Americans are affected by glaucoma? With proper treatment, the vast majority will not go blind from this silent disease of the eye. The most common form of treatment is eye drops, which work to reduce the eye’s pressure. However, some patients may require eye surgery to achieve their treatment…

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