Health News


  • Setting the dental record straight

    Setting the dental record straight

    Avoiding multiple health and social problems caused by unsightly teeth at all ages THERE ARE MANY reasons to take care of those pearly whites — at any age. Maybe an elementary student is picked on for her crooked teeth. Maybe a young athlete is in a sporting accident and needs emergency dental care. Maybe grandma…

  • Getting in the fitness ring

    Getting in the fitness ring

    Amanda Miller knocks out 222 pounds on her weight-loss journey and keeps going for another round CHANGE IS HARD. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, or your daily routine, making a change, small or large, can be one of the most difficult challenges we take on. Twenty-six-year-old Winter Haven resident Amanda Miller wanted to lose…

  • Charity Challenge aims to break world record

    Charity Challenge aims to break world record

    Help raise funds for your charity while participating in the largest human ribbon MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017, you will have the chance to not only help raise funds for your charity organization, but also join other charity volunteers for a fun day at the Winter Haven Charity Challenge, where participants attempt to…


  • A Cautionary Tale for Frequent Biting, Grinding, or Clenching

    A Cautionary Tale for Frequent Biting, Grinding, or Clenching

    by GERALD V. CERDAN, DMD Biting and chewing your food.  It’s something we do every day and without thinking.  That’s why when most people have biting issues— where they bite the inside tissue of their mouth— they usually don’t think beyond the few minutes of pain and discomfort it causes.  However, frequent biting (as well…

  • Caring for Your Kid’s Teeth

    Caring for Your Kid’s Teeth

    by ARCHANA ANTONY, DDS It’s not easy, but somebody has to do it.  If you have an infant, toddler, or school-aged child, chances are you’ve said this to yourself more than once when it comes to their oral care.  We can not only relate, but we can help.  Of our 12 convenient locations around Polk,…

  • Diverticular Disease

    Diverticular Disease

    Dr. Trishanna Sookdeo Diverticular disease describes the formation of small pouches in the large intestinal wall called diverticula. These pouches forms as you become older and many do not know that they have it. Some may experience constipation and bloating. Diverticular can also bleed resulting in bright red rectal bleeding or sticky black stools. This…

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