Health News
Setting the dental record straight
Avoiding multiple health and social problems caused by unsightly teeth at all ages THERE ARE MANY reasons to take care of those pearly whites — at any age. Maybe an elementary student is picked on for her crooked teeth. Maybe a young athlete is in a sporting accident and needs emergency dental care. Maybe grandma…
Charity Challenge aims to break world record
Help raise funds for your charity while participating in the largest human ribbon MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017, you will have the chance to not only help raise funds for your charity organization, but also join other charity volunteers for a fun day at the Winter Haven Charity Challenge, where participants attempt to…
Publisher’s Note: open enrollment ends February 15
If you do not have health insurance, and you’re not sure how to get it, you need to make it a priority to look at your options on — the website that offers healthcare insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The open enrollment period is happening now, but it closes on February 15.…
Editor’s Dose: Accountability is another ally with weight-loss goal
In this edition of Central Florida Health News, we talk about how your new year’s resolution to lose weight can benefit from having medical supervision … but why? My answer for you is very simple: Because we all need to be held accountable.
Healthy Cook: Busting resolution diet myths
IN THE NEW YEAR I will … In the new year I won’t … Sound familiar? It’s the new year’s resolution. We make ’em. We break ’em. And we feel guilty about it.