Health News


  • Mental Health Moment: Isolation is alienation

    Mental Health Moment: Isolation is alienation

    Get out and about or stay in and be grim! WE USE SOLITARY CONFINEMENT to punish people. In fact, we put a limit in this country to how long we can impose it in a prison due to the adverse effects of it. It can cause psychosis. They use it to calm down violent people,…

  • Ask a PA Who Knows!: Indoor tanning myths debunked

    Ask a PA Who Knows!: Indoor tanning myths debunked

    … and why you should consider an alternate tanning method EVERYONE LIKES to look good, and most people enjoy the bronzed look of a tan. Unfortunately, too many try to achieve the look of a golden tan through the use of indoor tanning methods like tanning beds. Just like tanning in the sun, indoor tanning…

  • Growing young with grandchildren

    Growing young with grandchildren

    How interaction with children can keep you sharp as you age “AN HOUR with your grandchildren can make you feel young again.” Grandparents like Susan Sartain, a marketing and communications manager for Baycare’s Bartow Regional Medical Center, will tell you such a sentiment is true, and now there’s even science to back it up. Australian…


  • Holiday tips to help keep the whole family healthy

    Holiday tips to help keep the whole family healthy

    AS WE ENTER THE HOLIDAY SEASON, the excitement of fall festivals, family gatherings, and holiday parties are worth celebrating. For many, this means gathering to-do lists, party planning, and shopping for family and loved ones. One thing to remember in the holiday preparations is to remain healthy this holiday season! In all of the excitement,…

  • Health Facts: The ABCs of bone health

    For better bones, activity, bone density, and calcium intake are key BONES … The framework of your body is a living tissue that is constantly broken down, replaced, and needs daily nourishment. While it’s important to build strong and healthy bones during your youth, you should protect your bone in adulthood, too.

  • Q&A on the continued care needed to combat childhood obesity

    Q&A on the continued care needed to combat childhood obesity

    Jessica Maxwell, ARNP, offers insight from the front lines of the weight-loss battle LESS THAN FIVE years ago, childhood obesity was recognized as a significant public health threat in Polk County. According to the most recent data offered by Florida Charts (2013), childhood obesity among WIC children ages two years and younger was at 31…

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