Health News


  • Drawing the Doctors of Tomorrow

    Drawing the Doctors of Tomorrow

    BayCare Plans to Further Expand Residency Program by RYAN MILEJCZAK Throughout Florida and the nation, there’s a significant physician shortage that creates barriers to health care for many. To help meet the demand for new physicians, BayCare plans to increase its residency positions to more than 650 by 2029. To learn more about this new…

  • Local Pet Highlights

    Local Pet Highlights

    Central Florida Health News asked staff and readers to help us celebrate pets, and we were not disappointed. Check out these adorable faces! Thank you to everyone who shared a pet with us.

  • Pop Quiz! What Do You Do When Allergies Get Ruff?

    Pop Quiz! What Do You Do When Allergies Get Ruff?

    Pets bring a lot of joy to our lives, but some people can be allergic to fur-babies. Unfortunately, those allergies keep many from being pet owners and even have some believing they need to get rid of a pet. Luckily, there are numerous ways to live in harmony with a pet if you have non-life-threatening…


  • Accidents at Home – What Can I Do?

    Accidents at Home – What Can I Do?

    Accidental injuries in the home account for thousands of ER and office visits in the US every year. The most common are falls. We are all conditioned to call 911 in an emergency, and more people are becoming certified in first-aid and CPR. It’s important to be familiar with some basic principles that can make…

  • August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

    August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

    Children require clear vision to be successful in school and extracurricular activities. As children advance in school, the demand for clear vision increases because they spend more time reading and learning. Vision problems should be addressed at an early age to prevent visual and/or learning difficulties. There are many signs of difficulty with vision that may…

  • Manual, or Electric Toothbrush?

    Manual, or Electric Toothbrush?

    Brushing your teeth consistently is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a happy and healthy mouth. Gone are the days where the only choice we had to make with our toothbrush was which color or cartoon character we wanted. Now, there is a wide range of manual and electric toothbrushes that all seem…

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