Health News


  • Q&A with Erin Brown, Emergency Room Nurse

    On What It Takes to Be a Nurse   Emergency Room nurse Erin Brown, RN is dedicated to her patients at the Lake Wales Medical Center (LWMC).  In January, she was awarded Employee of the Month for her dedication and exemplary service.  In honor of National Nurses Week, happening May 6-12, we talked to her recently…

  • Nothing to Sneeze At

    Investigating Ways to Survive and Thrive with Seasonal Allergies Headaches, itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, coughing— these are all symptoms of seasonal, outdoor allergies.  The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates that more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year.  And although Florida may not be the worst place for seasonal…

  • Setting the dental record straight

    Setting the dental record straight

    Avoiding multiple health and social problems caused by unsightly teeth at all ages THERE ARE MANY reasons to take care of those pearly whites — at any age. Maybe an elementary student is picked on for her crooked teeth. Maybe a young athlete is in a sporting accident and needs emergency dental care. Maybe grandma…


  • Foot Care Is Key to Preventing Diabetes-Related Amputations

    Foot Care Is Key to Preventing Diabetes-Related Amputations

    More than 25% of American seniors have diabetes and 10% to 15% of people with diabetes have leg and or foot ulcers. Simple things like managing your diabetes and performing daily foot care can help prevent ulcers, which can be difficult to treat and may eventually require amputation. More than 80% of amputations begin with…

  • Smoking Can Lead to Amputations

    Smoking Can Lead to Amputations

    While most people are familiar with the devastating consequences smoking has on their lungs (COPD, cancer), heart (coronary artery disease), or brain (stroke), its direct relation to limb loss escapes public attention! For far too many smokers, the first time they learn of the connection with limb loss is when a vascular surgeon diagnoses them…

  • Simple Steps for Healthier Vision

    Simple Steps for Healthier Vision

    by Chelsea Hollier, O.D. May is Healthy Vision Month! Routine eye exams can help your eye doctor prevent, diagnose, and treat vision problems and eye disease in children and adults. In addition, the National Eye Institute recommends several ways to maintain healthy vision. 1. Get an annual dilated eye exam. Having your annual eye exam…

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