Health News


  • Striking Out Cancer

    Striking Out Cancer

    World Record Attempt at Charity Challenge Helps Raise Cancer Awareness   story by MARY TOOTHMAN The third time was supposed to be the charm – but an attempt on April 15 to break the World Record of a human cancer awareness ribbon did not have Mother Nature on its side. Still, organizer Chris Hazelwood sounded…

  • Taking Care of B(us)iness

    Taking Care of B(us)iness

    Highlighting local nurses who go above and beyond every day QUESTION: What actions (big or small) do you take on a daily basis to make a difference for your patients and coworkers? Tabitha Mulford, LPN – Watson Clinic March 2018 PEER (Program for Employee Excellence and Recognition) Award Winner   “I make sure that all…

  • Spreading Smiles

    Spreading Smiles

    Dental Care Becoming More Accessible For All by CHERYL ROGERS Highlands, and Hardee counties, where they saw 42,426 patients in 134,558 visits last year.  “The demand is incredible. We can’t keep up with it,” says Ann Claussen, its chief Dentists like Dr. William Nerestant of Lakeland donate their time to provide dental care to the…


  • To save or not to save?

    To save or not to save?

      Cord-Blood Banking can have Life-Saving Benefits, but Local Doctors Advise Parents to do Their Homework When expecting a new baby, parents have many decisions to make: what name to choose, how to decorate the nursery, what hospital to use, etc. However, in the midst of all the excitement, parents might overlook researching and making…

  • Healthy cook: Save your summer diet with canned salmon

      If you had to pick up a precooked, trimmed and ready-to-serve protein at the supermarket, you’d expect to pay a premium for the convenience. After all, someone else is doing the prep work, so you should be paying more. However, it’s nice to know that the opposite can also be true. With canned salmon…

  • Medical advice: Essential but simple ways to help loved ones with Aphasia

      We tend to take for granted our ability to communicate, how effortlessly our words flow out of our mouths. However, when our speech becomes impaired, we profoundly feel the impact. June is National Aphasia Awareness Month. Yet, most people have never heard about this type of communication disorder. Aphasia is a language impairment that…

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