Health News
Pop Quiz: Facts and Stats about Immunizations
by ERIKA ALDRICH August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and it’s a good time to explore the topic of immunizations around the globe. The efforts to immunize people against debilitating and life-threatening diseases is a global initiative that we are all a part of. Test your knowledge of facts and statistics about immunizations by taking…
Tips to Prepare for the New School Year
by Mary Toothman It’s that time of year again: School supply aisles will be flooded with parents and children, clutching lists of what is required. First-day-of-school outfits will be carefully selected by many students. Late-morning sleep-ins will be replaced by early wake-up calls. Back to school means many things to parents and students — some…
Beating the Odds: Asher Camp Battles a Spinal Disease while his Mother Advocates for Others who are Suffering
When Asher Camp was born five years ago, life was good for his parents, Amanda and Jeremy Camp, and their two girls. They welcomed their new son and watched him grow and progress. But when he hit six months, his parents began to realize he wasn’t progressing as their daughters did. Concerned, they sought medical…
UV ray eye safety tips to remember
In addition to the article about how to avoid heat stress – or worse – heat stroke on page 23, this month is also national UV Safety Month. The American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Polk County Medical Association want to help everyone understand the dangers of over exposure to ultraviolet radiation. UV rays…
Healthy Cook: How do I eat my protein? Let me count the ways
“Make sure you get enough protein. Eat your meat. You need a lot of protein,” Mom harped. We do need protein. We need a lot of different nutrients to keep our body machines humming along nicely. Protein is just one of them. And it’s easy to get. Experts in Washington decree how much nutrients we…
Publisher’s Note: We are your reader advocates
In a former life as a newspaper publisher, we sometimes had a position in the newsroom called a “reader advocate.” Our editors would rotate on this desk and some loved the assignment and some frankly hated it. Basically the job entailed taking phone calls or answering emails about this or that regarding the content of…