Health News


  • Local Pet Highlights

    Local Pet Highlights

    Central Florida Health News asked staff and readers to help us celebrate pets, and we were not disappointed. Check out these adorable faces! Thank you to everyone who shared a pet with us.

  • Pop Quiz! What Do You Do When Allergies Get Ruff?

    Pop Quiz! What Do You Do When Allergies Get Ruff?

    Pets bring a lot of joy to our lives, but some people can be allergic to fur-babies. Unfortunately, those allergies keep many from being pet owners and even have some believing they need to get rid of a pet. Luckily, there are numerous ways to live in harmony with a pet if you have non-life-threatening…

  • Crack the Code for Eating Healthy on a Budget

    Crack the Code for Eating Healthy on a Budget

    by RYAN MILEJCZAKSponsored by Central Florida Health Care Proper nutrition is essential all year long, but in March, we observe National Nutrition Month and give it special focus. Healthy eating is an important topic, and most people want to eat healthy. In fact, according to one study, 93% of people surveyed said they want to…


  • Hospice Help: Safe as a patient in your own home

    Hospice Help: Safe as a patient in your own home

    ALTHOUGH WE USUALLY associate the month of March with the first bloom of flowers, falling in love and the beginning of spring, there is another annual celebration that occurs. March happens to be known as National Patient Safety Awareness Month, which means that as healthcare providers, we want to make sure that we raise awareness…

  • Healthy Smiles: Why is it so important to have a hygienist clean your teeth?

    Healthy Smiles: Why is it so important to have a hygienist clean your teeth?

    MANY PEOPLE often ask us why it is so important to have a hygienist clean your teeth at least every six months. Here are some answers that often help my patients understand the reasoning behind this healthy practice:

  • Pediatric Health: The decision to vaccinate

    Pediatric Health: The decision to vaccinate

    THE RECENT CASES of measles at Disneyland have sparked a nationwide conversation about the decision to vaccinate and its impact on the health of our country’s children.

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