Health News


  • Pop Quiz: Facts and Statistics about Alzheimer’s

    Pop Quiz: Facts and Statistics about Alzheimer’s

      Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia, however many people don’t see it as the major life-threatening disease that it is. Many only see it as a disease of the very old, which is far from the truth. Alzheimer’s ranks up there with other major health issues, like diabetes and strokes, in…

  • Love at First-Aid

    Love at First-Aid

    Tips for Keeping Guests Safe and Healthy During Wedding Events by MARY TOOTHMAN Many brides begin to plan their special day as little girls — imagining just the right pillowy bridal gown, visualizing their handsome partner, and feeling like a star for the day. The word “perfect” comes up a lot in bridal discussions —…

  • Alzheimer’s Awareness

    Alzheimer’s Awareness

    Recognizing Early Warning Signs Can Improve Lives by CHERYL ROGERS Early warning signs can improve quality of life for dementia sufferers and their families. Here’s what to look for. As people age, they may forget things. They may walk from one room to another to get something, only to forget what it was. That is…


  • Diabetes Mellitus: It’s not just about the sugar!

    Diabetes Mellitus: It’s not just about the sugar!

    Diabetes mellitus is a well-known disease in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal. Patients need to control these levels so that the HBA1c or hemoglobin A1c test is less than 7%, through diet, exercise, and medication.  It is important to understand that high glucose levels result in organ damage. Every organ has the…

  • Lumps in the Neck – Should I be Concerned?

    Lumps in the Neck – Should I be Concerned?

    Very often I see patients who have swellings or lumps in the neck and their first question is “should I be worried?” This is a great question but the answer is not always straightforward. There are many different causes of swelling in the neck that range from harmless to the very concerning. Let’s talk about…

  • Back to School Oral Health Tips

    Back to School Oral Health Tips

    It’s hard to believe August is already here. Where has summer gone? With family vacations and beach days behind us, it’s time to start preparing for the upcoming school year. Outside of the new backpacks, shiny binders, and endless notebooks, there are other important items you need to prioritize before sending your kids back to…

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