Health News
Phillip Williams Helping to Light the Way for the Blind
By LENORE DEVORE Phillip Williams was almost 15 years old when the juvenile version of macular degeneration – Stargardt disease – began to take his eyesight. What starts out robbing people of their central vision eventually leaves its sufferers blind or legally blind. “I went through the rest of high school coping with (the transition…
Feel Good 5K Set to Support Local Mental Health Initiatives
By Teresa Schiffer The Feel Good 5k is a great way to get out and show your support for one of our most valuable resources – the mental health professionals at Peace River Center. Make an impact in the lives of vulnerable children by participating in this fun event! It’s no secret that mental…
New Therapy Method Being Studied for PTSD Patients
A type of grief experts call prolonged and complicated causes some 10 million Americans to suffer, experts say. But a fairly new type of therapy is believed to offer help for many of them. Often felt by seniors who have lost their longtime spouse, this grief is characterized by an ongoing, daily yearning for the…
Protect Your Joints and Help Your Golf Game
Many people injure themselves simply because they do not stretch. A survey showed that more than half of the golfers who warmed up for 10 minutes or more before golfing had fewer than half the injuries than those who did not warm up. Another cause of injuries is the fact that golf is a repetitive…
Diagnosis and Treatment of Shingles
Shingles is a contagious virus (varicella zoster) that results in a painful rash. The virus that causes the rash is one of nine known herpes viruses to infect humans. It is the same virus that causes chickenpox. After having chickenpox, typically as a child, the virus lies dormant in nerve tissue underneath the skin.…
Understanding Metastatic Bone Disease
Cancer is always a frightening diagnosis, and knowing that the disease can spread from one part of the body to others can be unsettling. Metastasis occurs when cancer cells from the original (primary) tumor break away and move to other parts of the body. When the cancer spreads from the primary tumor into bone tissue,…