Health News


  • Pop Quiz: Facts and Statistics about Alzheimer’s

    Pop Quiz: Facts and Statistics about Alzheimer’s

      Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia, however many people don’t see it as the major life-threatening disease that it is. Many only see it as a disease of the very old, which is far from the truth. Alzheimer’s ranks up there with other major health issues, like diabetes and strokes, in…

  • Love at First-Aid

    Love at First-Aid

    Tips for Keeping Guests Safe and Healthy During Wedding Events by MARY TOOTHMAN Many brides begin to plan their special day as little girls — imagining just the right pillowy bridal gown, visualizing their handsome partner, and feeling like a star for the day. The word “perfect” comes up a lot in bridal discussions —…

  • Alzheimer’s Awareness

    Alzheimer’s Awareness

    Recognizing Early Warning Signs Can Improve Lives by CHERYL ROGERS Early warning signs can improve quality of life for dementia sufferers and their families. Here’s what to look for. As people age, they may forget things. They may walk from one room to another to get something, only to forget what it was. That is…


  • Family Health: Beat the heat with summer safety tips for health and wellness

    Family Health: Beat the heat with summer safety tips for health and wellness

    FLORIDA IS NOTORIOUS for its hot, humid weather. During the summer months, take care to protect yourself from the elements. High temps are dangerous for those who are prone to chronic health issues, so it’s imperative to take the proper precautions.

  • Think of your vacation as a vaca-shun

    Think of your vacation as a vaca-shun

    THERE’S A REASON PEOPLE need vacations and recreation. Vacate and re-create! Think of it as a vaca-shun. Shun the things that bother you. Take in the new. When you’re away, don’t think about the old things that trouble your mind.

  • Health Facts: Getting to the heat of the matter

    AS TEMPERATURES RISE in sunny Florida, so does your risk of developing heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Approximately 20 cases of heat stroke per 100,000 people occur annually, with at least 240 deaths.

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