Health News


  • Tackling Allergies:  Natural Remedies to Fight the Summer Sniffles

    Tackling Allergies: Natural Remedies to Fight the Summer Sniffles

    When the pollen is falling and the mold is flourishing, there are ways to beat back symptoms naturally. Here’s how. Central Florida’s mild climate is a real draw, but its long growing season can spell trouble for allergy sufferers. From winter’s yellow oak pollen, through summer’s grass, weeds, and molds, the allergic are likely going…

  • Beating the Heat: How to Stay Cool When Temperatures Rise

    Beating the Heat: How to Stay Cool When Temperatures Rise

    Central Florida’s summer heat can be stifling, but here are some strategies to help you make the most of the season. When it’s hot and humid, it’s harder to keep cool. That’s because our bodies depend on sweating – and evaporating that sweat – to reduce our temperatures. Humidity slows the process, so muggy Central…

  • Local Physicians Discuss Skin Cancer Prevention

    Local Physicians Discuss Skin Cancer Prevention

    Summer is here and it’s time for some fun in the sun! It’s the time of year when people love to show some skin in their favorite bathing suits and hit the beach or the pool. As you’re out there enjoying the long summer days, don’t forget to protect yourself from the dangerous UVA and…


  • Healthy Skin: Seniors and the increased risk of skin cancer

    Healthy Skin: Seniors and the increased risk of skin cancer

    OUR SKIN needs protection at any age, but it’s doubly important for seniors. As we age, the likelihood of developing skin cancer increases so much that nearly 50 percent of all 65-year-old Americans will have at least one skin cancer diagnosis. The subgroup of seniors with the most risk is older Caucasian males; the incidences…

  • Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III — Are they affordable?

    Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III — Are they affordable?

    IN MY LAST TWO COLUMNS, we debunked some common myths about the practicality and effectiveness of dental implants. Now let’s talk affordability. Nearly 70 percent of adults have lost a tooth, and the solutions are pretty straightforward: dental implants, bridges, or dentures. For most, dental implants are the best option, but misconceptions about their affordability…

  • Healthy Cook: Much ado about Mediterranean food

    Healthy Cook: Much ado about Mediterranean food

    DIETS COME AND DIETS GO — South Beach, Grapefruit, Atkins, T-Factor, Cabbage Soup, Eat Just on Tuesdays in Months Without an R in Them — but one that works for health, and perhaps also for weight loss, has been around for thousands of years. The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating for millions of…

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