Health News


  • Healthy Foods for the Holiday Season

    Healthy Foods for the Holiday Season

    by TRENT ROWE, food editor Here’s to Uncle Harry. He’s your mom’s roly-poly brother who always plays Santa because he doesn’t need a pillow for padding. When it comes to dinner his favorite phrase isn’t, “ho ho ho”, but “Please pass the gravy.” It’s too bad too, because Uncle Harry is a really nice guy.…

  • Polk County Initiative Seeking to Instill Healthy Habits in Schools

    Polk County Initiative Seeking to Instill Healthy Habits in Schools

    by CHERYL ROGERS   The Building a Healthier Polk School Health Team is teaching kindergarten through 12th grade students how to live healthier by making wise food choices and staying active.   In an age of video games and fast foods, it’s easy to slip into bad health habits at an early age. But during…

  • Facts and Statistics About Arthritis

    Facts and Statistics About Arthritis

    by ERIKA ALDRICH Florida may not be locked into a deep freeze during the winter months like the majority of the other U.S. states, but The Sunshine State can still experience cold temperatures during the winter months. Those periodic days of cold and freezing weather can spell pain and agony for those suffering from arthritis.…


  • Demystifying the Eyedrop Aisle

    Demystifying the Eyedrop Aisle

    Many eye disorders can be treated effectively with eye drops and products found over the counter at the local pharmacy and grocery stores. But with so many options on the shelves, finding the right product for your needs can be overwhelming and confusing. Your eye doctor can provide you with specific recommendations based on your…

  • The Role of Exercise in Vascular Disease Prevention

    The Role of Exercise in Vascular Disease Prevention

    Spring is such a lovely time! We hope everyone has gotten used to the time change for Daylight Savings Time. There are flowers everywhere and new green leaves on the trees and birds chirping. All the more reason for us to get out of our homes and get some exercise.   This is the fifth…

  • Doc, I Have Type II Diabetes. Will I Go Blind?

    Doc, I Have Type II Diabetes. Will I Go Blind?

    Patients who present with a diabetes history are worried about their vision.  If the patient has type II Diabetes Mellitus, the following is the discussion I have with the patient to simplify the pathophysiological process that occurs in a person with diabetes.  When the patient with type II diabetes presents for an eye exam, I…

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