Health News


  • Feel Good 5K Set to Support Local Mental Health Initiatives

    Feel Good 5K Set to Support Local Mental Health Initiatives

    By Teresa Schiffer The Feel Good 5k is a great way to get out and show your support for one of our most valuable resources – the mental health professionals at Peace River Center. Make an impact in the lives of vulnerable children by participating in this fun event!   It’s no secret that mental…

  • New Therapy Method Being Studied for PTSD Patients

    New Therapy Method Being Studied for PTSD Patients

    A type of grief experts call prolonged and complicated causes some  10 million Americans to suffer, experts say. But a fairly new type of therapy is believed to offer help for many of them. Often felt by seniors who have lost their longtime spouse, this grief is characterized by an ongoing, daily yearning for the…

  • Local Behavioral Health Recovery Programs Offers Support

    Local Behavioral Health Recovery Programs Offers Support

    By Brenda Eggert Brader The Mental Health Recovery Program at Winter Haven Hospital, started in 2008, has grown into a popular peer-led program providing education, socialization and support. The program offers ready help to keep those with mental health issues out of crisis and out of the hospital. “When you talk about recovery, there are…


  • What Counts as Exercise?

    What Counts as Exercise?

    Making the effort to exercise regularly is an admirable pursuit. Physical activity can play a vital role in cardiovascular health, weight loss, body strengthening, and even emotional well-being. But not all physical exertion is truly “exercise.” By definition, “exercise” is physical activity that leads to sustained elevation of the heart rate; this can only be…

  • The Importance of Regular Cleanings

    The Importance of Regular Cleanings

    We’re now three months into 2019, and if you can’t remember the last time you went to the dentist for a cleaning, it’s time to stop putting it off. Outside of maintaining your oral health, dental cleanings serve a variety of other purposes that can lead to short and long-term benefits. Here are a few…

  • Taking Care of Your Eyes

    Taking Care of Your Eyes

    The gift of sight is one of our most valued senses and often not paid attention to until symptoms arise. Some common eye complaints are: Conjunctivitis: this may be sudden in onset and due to an infection if it occurs in one eye (or both) , is accompanied by pain , swollen eyelids , itching…

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