Health News
Breath of Life: Local Nurses Provide Community with Valuable CPR Training
by TERESA SCHIFFER It is estimated that more than 359,000 cardiac arrests take place outside of a hospital setting in the U.S. each year, and only 32 percent of victims receive CPR from a bystander. Unfortunately, 70 percent of Americans either don’t know CPR or their certification has significantly lapsed. Thankfully, Citizen CPR is working…
Staying Active During the Golden Years
How Exercise Can Help Senior Citizens Both Physically and Mentally by DAPHNE RENELUS There are numerous activities a person can do to improve their physical health. Exercising, especially when older, can improve a person’s physical health by keeping the heart healthy, causing the removal of toxins from the body through sweating, and increasing a person’s…
Pop Quiz: Pain in the Back – Causes and Relief Methods of Back Pain
by ERIKA ALDRICH Anyone suffering from back pain knows that it can be one of the most persistent and debilitating pains. Chronic back pain can be life-altering, with many sufferers desperate for a solution to their daily pain. Occasional back pain is very common, and a cause and treatment should be found to lessen reoccurrence…
Healthy Cook: Keep calm and cook on
There is too much going on . . . the holidays to cook for . . . Grandma and the bratty cousins to buy for . . . the new puppy will probably knock the tree over (if the cat doesn’t climb it first) . . . Take a deep breath, go relax in a…
PCMA Letter: Working for your health
The Polk County Medical Association (PCMA), its members and affiliates, are constantly working for the betterment of health in the community. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates once said, “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” At the PCMA, we take the opportunity to heal pretty seriously, which…
Healthy Cook: Healthy work lunch ideas that won’t break the bank
Get out the old Number 2 pencil and give the lead a lick. It’s time to figure how much lunch costs. And it does add up. Say you buy a sandwich for $4, an iced tea is a couple of bucks, a bag of chips sets you back a dollar. You’re at $7. Without the…