Health News
Running For a Cause
A Look at the 2019 Fallen Heroes Memorial 5K By MARY TOOTHMAN Why would hundreds of people opt to leave their air-conditioned homes, offices, and cars to run a 5K under a blazing hot Florida sun one recent Saturday in May? We all know of runners who pound the pavement in races because they love…
Health Hero: Tonja Johnson Brings Support to Vitiligo Community
by TIM CRAIG When Tonja Johnson first saw a spot on her skin in 2011, she didn’t think much about it. It was just an age spot, according to her mother, and Johnson accepted it and moved on. Eighteen months later, in 2013, the spots had grown in number and size and she knew…
When Should Men be Getting their Checkups and Screenings?
by ERIKA ALDRICH It’s always important to see a doctor regularly and practice preventative care. For men, getting regular checkups and screenings is vital to maintaining good health, but there are certain times in a man’s life when such screenings and doctor’s visits are necessary to catch potential health issues. The earlier a health concern…
The “Ripe” Time for Cataract Surgery
Whenever I tell a patient that he or she has cataracts they immediately ask if they need to have surgery. We start thinking about cataract surgery whenever the patient’s quality of life is affected. Common complaints include, “I can’t read road signs,” or “I can’t read the writing on TV,” or “I can’t read small…
A Cautionary Tale for Frequent Biting, Grinding, or Clenching
Biting and chewing your food. It’s something we do every day and without thinking. That’s why when most people have biting issues— where they bite the inside tissue of their mouth— they usually don’t think beyond the few minutes of pain and discomfort it causes. However, frequent biting (as well as grinding and clenching) can…
Oral Cancer Awareness Month
The month of April is considered National Oral Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society’s most recent estimates for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers in the United States for 2019 show that about 53,000 people will be diagnosed with oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer and an estimated 10,860 will die of these cancers. Lip and…