Health News


  • Running For a Cause

    Running For a Cause

    A Look at the 2019 Fallen Heroes Memorial 5K By MARY TOOTHMAN Why would hundreds of people opt to leave their air-conditioned homes, offices, and cars to run a 5K under a blazing hot Florida sun one recent Saturday in May? We all know of runners who pound the pavement in races because they love…

  • Health Hero:  Tonja Johnson Brings Support to Vitiligo Community

    Health Hero: Tonja Johnson Brings Support to Vitiligo Community

    by TIM CRAIG   When Tonja Johnson first saw a spot on her skin in 2011, she didn’t think much about it. It was just an age spot, according to her mother, and Johnson accepted it and moved on. Eighteen months later, in 2013, the spots had grown in number and size and she knew…

  • When Should Men be Getting their Checkups and Screenings?

    When Should Men be Getting their Checkups and Screenings?

    by ERIKA ALDRICH It’s always important to see a doctor regularly and practice preventative care. For men, getting regular checkups and screenings is vital to maintaining good health, but there are certain times in a man’s life when such screenings and doctor’s visits are necessary to catch potential health issues. The earlier a health concern…


  • Journey from Initial Opioid Use ???? Opioid Dependence ???? Addiction

    Journey from Initial Opioid Use ???? Opioid Dependence ???? Addiction

    There are 16 ounces in 1 pound; but it is true today, as it was when Benjamin Franklin stated that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” A little precaution to avoid/prevent an undesirable condition is preferable to developing a long-term negative situation and dealing with its potential consequences.  If you consume…

  • Atrial Fibrillation: What You Need to Know

    Atrial Fibrillation: What You Need to Know

    Atrial fibrillation is an irregular rhythm from the upper part of the heart. It is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. Incidence increases with advancing age, with 1 out of 5 over the age 85 having it. It appears this originates due to spontaneous discharges from pacemaker cells in the pulmonary veins at the point where…

  • Refractive Surgery – What does it mean?

    Refractive Surgery – What does it mean?

    Refractive error is the term used to describe the need for glasses or contact lenses to see clearly. Another alternative exists to these aids, namely Refractive Surgery. Refractive Surgery is an operation designed to correct a refractive error of the eyes. Historically there have been many Refractive Surgery procedures developed. Currently, there are two very…

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