Health News


  • Tackling Prostate Cancer

    Tackling Prostate Cancer

    Understanding the Risks and Preventative Options by TERESA SCHIFFER No one wants to hear “cancer” when they go to the doctor, but when it comes to prostate cancer, there can be a silver lining. Even though it makes up about ten percent of new cancer diagnoses each year, it only accounts for about five percent…

  • Raising Awareness About Skin Cancer

    Raising Awareness About Skin Cancer

    The month of May is recognized as Skin Cancer Awareness month, and although it just passed, the topic of skin cancer and preventative care is relevant year-round, especially in an environment like Florida’s. As we head into the hot summer months, it is important to know the different types of skin cancer as well as…

  • Running For a Cause

    Running For a Cause

    A Look at the 2019 Fallen Heroes Memorial 5K By MARY TOOTHMAN Why would hundreds of people opt to leave their air-conditioned homes, offices, and cars to run a 5K under a blazing hot Florida sun one recent Saturday in May? We all know of runners who pound the pavement in races because they love…


  • Editor’s Dose: Helping you get ready for a new school year

    Editor’s Dose: Helping you get ready for a new school year

      In this special edition of Central Florida Health News, we’re taking a good, detailed look at the challenges of helping our kids make healthy lifestyle choices, especially when you throw in the complexity of a busy school semester. It’s definitely not easy to bring up your kids in the way that they should go,…

  • Healthy Cook: After school time (or any time) snack ideas

      “Mom, I’m home and there’s nothing to eat and I’m hungry.” The answer was easy for Eve: “Go pick yourself a piece of fruit . . . but not the apples.” Life is more complicated now. And the neighbor’s citrus is out of season for a quick snack. This is a wonderful opportunity for…

  • Body, Mind & Spirit: Curb the stress of school expenses

      When bills start piling up at the start of the school year, stress levels also rise. There may be anger, or feelings of deprivation as favorite extracurricular activities are cut. But there are ways for the family to adjust and grow stronger. “We can teach our children what is really important in life,”says Patricia…

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