Health News


  • Tackling Prostate Cancer

    Tackling Prostate Cancer

    Understanding the Risks and Preventative Options by TERESA SCHIFFER No one wants to hear “cancer” when they go to the doctor, but when it comes to prostate cancer, there can be a silver lining. Even though it makes up about ten percent of new cancer diagnoses each year, it only accounts for about five percent…

  • Raising Awareness About Skin Cancer

    Raising Awareness About Skin Cancer

    The month of May is recognized as Skin Cancer Awareness month, and although it just passed, the topic of skin cancer and preventative care is relevant year-round, especially in an environment like Florida’s. As we head into the hot summer months, it is important to know the different types of skin cancer as well as…

  • Running For a Cause

    Running For a Cause

    A Look at the 2019 Fallen Heroes Memorial 5K By MARY TOOTHMAN Why would hundreds of people opt to leave their air-conditioned homes, offices, and cars to run a 5K under a blazing hot Florida sun one recent Saturday in May? We all know of runners who pound the pavement in races because they love…


  • PCMA Letter: Looking at breast cancer in a different light

    PCMA Letter: Looking at breast cancer in a different light

                It is unavoidable that illness effects many peoples’ lives, not just that of the afflicted.  October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and, while this disease is serious and at times life threatening, it should not be looked at with fear.              As with diabetes and heart disease, cancer is another…

  • Healthy Cook: Cooking ideas for the cancer patient

    Healthy Cook: Cooking ideas for the cancer patient

     Cooking ideas for the cancer patient and her family Drugs can do miracles these days, but the body has a wonderful aptitude for helping itself get better. Like using the proper octane in a car, we have to fuel the body with nutrients that help it do its job. This is just as important, if…

  • Healthy Cook: Enjoy good food without bad acid reflux

    Healthy Cook: Enjoy good food without bad acid reflux

    Some maladies don’t sound too bad. Heartburn could be something to do with affection. Some sound as bad as they are. GERD can’t sound nice. It hurts, and you know it. The proper name is Gastroesophageal  Reflux Disease . . . acid reflux to you. Or heartburn. Stomach acid backs up and makes you feel…

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