Health News
Health Savings Accounts Have More to Offer Than You Think
by MARY TOOTHMAN As the number of people with high-deductible health insurance plans continues to rise, the option of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) — created to help handle out-of-pocket expenses — is likely to attract more interest. An HSA can be funded with pre-tax money, allowing for $3,400 for individual and $6,750 for families annually…
Filling a Need
Polk State College Program Fights Nursing Shortage by JULIE GMITTER photos PROVIDED BY POLK STATE COLLEGE Advances in technology have revolutionized our world and few industries are unchanged by these advances. The healthcare industry is no exception. As a result of these advances in technology, some industries have become completely obsolete, whether the jobs have…
Primed for the Future
Project SEARCH Puts Students With Disabilities on Track for Career Success by TERESA SCHIFFER photos PROVIDED BY Project SEARCH Finding a job fresh out of high school is a challenge for anyone. For young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities, those challenges multiply. Fortunately, there is a program to help these young people get the…
Medical Advice: Rabies report and safety reminders
Saint Hubert, who lived from 656-727 A.D., was the patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians, and metal workers. He was called upon to cure rabies until the early 20th century through the use of the St. Hubert’s Key, which was said to have been given to him by St. Peter. St. Hubert Key’s took the…
Ask a Nurse: Genetic testing for mental health medications
We have all heard of, and some of us have even experienced firsthand, the tragedies surrounding mental health disorders. It’s nearly impossible to watch a TV show without hearing about a new antidepressant that causes an endless list of unwanted symptoms. And according to the CDC more than 1 in 10 American’s over the age…
Healthy Food: Create good mood food
Ever get a day when nothing is going right? The kids are fighting. The pool turned green. Gas went up 15 cents. The peanut butter is gone. After all that, you might be thinking, “If I just had some chocolate.” Or a glass of wine. Or a big plate of mashed potatoes. What we eat can change…