Health News


  • Health Hero Spotlight

    Health Hero Spotlight

    Central Florida Health News has always been all about telling stories and informing readers of the amazing people in our community. It was with this thought in mind that the publication started a new department section, called Health Hero, in June of 2018. The idea behind Health Hero is to spotlight an individual or individuals…

  • New Pacemaker Technology Saving Lives

    New Pacemaker Technology Saving Lives

    by TIM CRAIG Madeline Falardeau knew she had heart problems. The Winter Haven senior could tell when she had an episode coming on – she would start to feel dizzy; her heart would beat slower; she had difficulty breathing. She knew not to panic. Yet, when those symptoms came on a morning in early May,…

  • Make Sure You’re Covered With these Sunscreen Facts

    Make Sure You’re Covered With these Sunscreen Facts

    by ERIKA ALDRICH Summer is upon us, and amidst the yardwork, barbecues, days in the pool, and trips to the beach, it’s important to remember one key component that should be present in each: sunscreen. Sunscreen protects your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and lessens your chances of developing skin cancer. Take our quiz…


  • Diverticulosis or Diverticulitis

    Diverticulosis or Diverticulitis

    Diverticulitis is a disease that affects the GI tract, primarily the colon. It increases with age, especially after age 40. There are many misnomers and misconceptions regarding this spectrum of disease and hopefully this helps to shed some light on them. Little pouches spring out from the walls of the colon due to high pressure…

  • Common Myths Regarding Oral Health

    Common Myths Regarding Oral Health

    Oral health is of the utmost importance, but unfortunately, many people don’t understand the link between oral health and overall health. Our mouths are the gateway to our bodies, and the mouth can serve as a window into a person’s overall health. Make sure you understand the truth behind these common myths about oral health…

  • Annual Wellness Visit Provides Comprehensive Screening

    Annual Wellness Visit Provides Comprehensive Screening

    Your yearly physical is an important part of your health care regimen, but that’s not the end of your responsibility to yourself. It’s not a comprehensive evaluation. That’s where we come in. When you visit our office for an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV), you receive a 41-point detailed written report that you can use to…

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