Health News


  • Health Hero Spotlight

    Health Hero Spotlight

    Central Florida Health News has always been all about telling stories and informing readers of the amazing people in our community. It was with this thought in mind that the publication started a new department section, called Health Hero, in June of 2018. The idea behind Health Hero is to spotlight an individual or individuals…

  • New Pacemaker Technology Saving Lives

    New Pacemaker Technology Saving Lives

    by TIM CRAIG Madeline Falardeau knew she had heart problems. The Winter Haven senior could tell when she had an episode coming on – she would start to feel dizzy; her heart would beat slower; she had difficulty breathing. She knew not to panic. Yet, when those symptoms came on a morning in early May,…

  • Make Sure You’re Covered With these Sunscreen Facts

    Make Sure You’re Covered With these Sunscreen Facts

    by ERIKA ALDRICH Summer is upon us, and amidst the yardwork, barbecues, days in the pool, and trips to the beach, it’s important to remember one key component that should be present in each: sunscreen. Sunscreen protects your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and lessens your chances of developing skin cancer. Take our quiz…


  • Editor’s Dose: Tips for minimizing back-to-school stress

    IF YOU ARE LIKE ME, then come early July you were already thinking about preparations for the new school year. Parents and children in the community this year are getting ready extra early because Polk County public schools moved up their calendar by one week — day one of school is August 15.

  • Making the choice to breastfeed

    Making the choice to breastfeed

    THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH in Polk County (DOH-Polk) and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) recognize August as Breastfeeding Awareness Month. This is a wonderful time of year to promote breastfeeding as a vital health activity and discuss the health benefits breastfeeding provides. Although every woman has their own…

  • Editor’s Dose: Keeping kids’ bodies and minds active this summer

    Editor’s Dose: Keeping kids’ bodies and minds active this summer

    WHEN I FIRST had the twins, my mom would say, “Have a schedule for them, or they’ll have a schedule for you.” Basically, she was cautioning that I’d better keep those little minds and bodies active, or chaos would inevitably ensue. Being a mother of eight children, I think she was speaking from personal experience.…

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